Welcome to Integrated Genome Factory
The Integrated Genome Factory (IGF) provides DNA and RNA sequencing services on the Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) platform. For collaborators, we perform library preparation and sequencing from a variety of biological and clinical samples for research pusposes. We also offer workshop and internship program for students and researchers who want to build competencies on ONT library preparation and related bioinformatics analysis.
Why Are We Here
We aim to solve the challenge of genomics research in Indonesia. Despite the wide-ranged potential of genomics technology, we are still lacking in genomic-based projects due to limited appropriate facilities and human resources. This situation causes Indonesian researchers to use services from other country which are high in price and lack in biosample protection. IGF offers trusted, affordable and high-quality domestic sequencing services.
Our Management
IGF is operated by a start-up from Faculty of Biology Universitas Gadjah Mada. The facility is located in 2nd Floor Building B, Faculty of Biology UGM.
For more info
Please see other menu for more details.